Santa Eulalia

Barcelona, 2008


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Sandra Tarruella, Isabel López, Ricard Trenchs, Margarita Ferrer
Collaborators: Marc López, Cecilia Moretti, Isabel Rodriguez, Laura Muñoz
Area: 1000 m2
Customer: Santa Eulalia
Photographer: Jordi Sarra / Jose Hevia

Santa Eulàlia interior design on Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona is unique and focuses on the temporality and transience of the space. The decision to move the store to an adjacent location for a year has led to an approach that largely preserves the existing characteristics, using minimal resources for the transformation.

On one hand, the original layout has been largely maintained. One notable feature is a void on the ground floor that provides a visual connection between the basement and allows natural light to enter. This decision contributes to a more open and luminous experience inside.