
Barcelona, 2020


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Elsa Noms
Collaborators: Núria Martinez, Mariona Guàrdia, Adriana Camps
Area: 118 m2
Customer: Sushifresh, S.L.
Photographer: Salva Lopez

Sushifresh Barcelona restaurant renovation commissionted by Sara Setantes and Sergi Zacharias from Freshperts. This new brand encompasses five varieties of food for delivery.

With the brand’s new expansion plan, problems of visibility, comprehension of the premises, as well as operational and organizational issues that had arisen, affecting the design of the spaces, were addressed and solved.

The renovation of the Sushifresh restaurants for Freshperts begins at their first location, located in the north of Barcelona. The objective is for the new spaces to convey the essence and values of the brand, and for both customers and delivery drivers to recognize the different restaurants within the same place. The different kitchens are visible, with aesthetics appropriate to the type of food, thus promoting transparency in the use of quality raw materials and with the intention of involving the customer more in the creation process.