
San Sebastian, 2018


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Anabel Cortina
Collaborators: Mariona Guàrdia, Ana Blanco, Núria Martínez
Area: 504 m2
Customer: CLIVING15, S.L.
Photographer: Enrique Palacio
Graphic design: Fauna

Misura San Sebastian restaurant is located in a privileged environment, next to the Miramón forest, the technology park, and the Basque Culinary Center. It is part of the Senso group, which includes a hotel, student residence, cafeteria, convention rooms, cooking classrooms, and a gym-spa, all aligned with values ​​of sustainability and a passion for nature.

The concept of the Misura restaurant in San Sebastián is based on the idea of ​​eating in the kitchen using organic, local, and seasonal products. To achieve this goal, the restaurant is accessed through a double space with views of the kitchen. In addition, a plastic composition with different types of stones turns the section of wall above the stainless steel furniture into an attractive backdrop.