En Tránsito

Valladolid, 2015


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Elsa Noms
Collaborators: Núria Calderón, Núria Martínez, Roser Ribas
Area: 176 m2
Customer: Morro Fino Gourmet, S.L.
Photographer: Meritxell Arjalaguer
Graphic design: Pobrelavaca

En Tránsito Valladolid restaurant design is the third one designed for the González brothers after Wabisabi and Alioli.

The interior design work has been specially conceived to enhance the experience of the gourmet burgers it offers. Unlike conventional American diners, the design is inspired by the aesthetics of garages and courier companies, adopting an urban and informal appearance.