El Celler de Can Roca

Girona, 2008


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Sandra Tarruella, Isabel López y Ricard Trenchs
Collaborators: Jordi Ginabreda, Tatiana Barbará, Margarita Ferrer, Cecilia Moretti, Isabel Rodriguez, Laura Muñoz
Area: 792,55 m²
Customer: Hermanos Roca
Photographer: Alejo Bagué - Rafael Vargas

Celler de Can Roca design, located in the ancient tower of Can Sunyer and its extensions, marks a milestone in the evolution of the renowned Roca brothers’ gastronomic proposal. The tower, built in 1911, underwent two expansions in 1994 and 1999 to accommodate events and celebrations, connecting through the old porch of the tower and providing more space for various uses.

The main task in El Celler de Can Roca  design was to develop a restaurant that offered an intimate and relaxed experience for a limited number of diners, in contrast to the broader and more festive character of the existing space. Inspired by the successful collaboration of the three Roca brothers in the kitchen, desserts, and cellar, the aim was to reflect this dynamic in the architectural design.