Bravo 24

Barcelona, 2015


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Núria Calderón
Collaborators: Cecilia Moretti
Area: 403 m2
Customer: Carles Abellan
Photographer: Meritxell Arjalaguer

Bravo24 restaurant interior design was a direct commission from the renowned chef Carles Abellan. Located in the Wela Hotel in Barcelona, the restaurant has become an icon for tourists visiting the city. Our goal was to add elegance and masculinity to the space while addressing functional needs to allow for versatility and adaptability to various uses, from hotel breakfasts to private events.

From the outset, we respected previously designed elements, such as the wood paneling and louvered ceilings, which not only help distribute the space but also bring warmth to the restaurant.