Arco by Paco Perez

Gdansk, 2019


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Mariona Guàrdia
Collaborators: Núria Martínez, Adriana Camps
Area: 250 m2
Customer: Oliva Star
Photographer: Ivo Ledwozyw

Arco by Paco Perez restaurant design stems from the desire to create a space where one can enjoy Mediterranean cuisine in an environment that brings the light, color, and energy characteristic of Spain. For this, we have collaborated with Chef Paco Perez, holder of 5 Michelin stars.

The project for the Arco by Paco Perez restaurant is located on the 33rd floor of the tallest skyscraper in the city of Gdansk, Poland. This elevated position endows the ensemble with privileged views, allowing one to see both the Baltic Sea and the forests inland.

The concept is organized into 2 different restaurants. The first, Treinta y Tres, is the freshest, most relaxed, and lively restaurant where a large central bar presides, welcoming the customer and animating the entire room. The second, Arco by Paco Perez, with a large kitchen facing the public, is the most elegant gastronomic restaurant.