Suite Hotel Sabàtic

Sitges, 2022


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Olga Pajares
Collaborators: Blanca Comín y Alex Vila
Area: 61m2
Customer: Hotel Sabàtic
Photographer: Meritxell Arjalaguer

Sabàtic Sitges Hotel interior design for the Massot family of Vertix, managed by AC and Marriott, clearly reflects the intention to create a vacation atmosphere with an urban touch. The choice of a European vacation aesthetic that exudes calm, light, and sophistication contributes to this purpose.

Regarding the room design, fresh and warm atmospheres have been created through the combination of colors and materials. Sandy tones have been used on the walls, and wood has been chosen for floors, walls, and ceilings. The intelligent integration of kitchen furniture, where it transforms and hides when not in use, demonstrates a practical and functional approach to space.