Cuines Santa Caterina

Barcelona, 2006


Creative direction: Sandra Tarruella Interioristas
Responsible: Sandra Tarruella, Isabel López, Ricard Trenchs, Laura Muñoz
Collaborators: Isabel Rodriguez
Area: 527,50 m²
Customer: Grupo Tragaluz
Photographer: Eugeni Pons
Graphic design: Mario Eskenazi

Cuines de Santa Caterina renovation, one of the restaurants belonging to the Tragaluz group, originated from the idea of creating a space that merges diverse cuisines and integrates with the surrounding market. The layout of the kitchens is organized to harmoniously incorporate them into the work of Miralles-Tagliabue. The roof that protects the stalls extends to cover the kitchens, visually connecting both spaces and highlighting the imposing structure that envelops the entire ensemble.